I'm not the best blogger, I admit. I don't blog every day. Heck, I don't even blog every month. If you are a regular reader, I don't even know what that means because I create posts so irregularly. My life is rather full, and besides, it's much easier and faster to go harass other bloggers in their comments sections than to write my own stuff.
I guess I'm a kind of blog leech. (sigh)
However, I do have plans to add more content, and have even started writing whole chunks of it, but have had to set these chunks aside for various reasons (sick cat, tiring job, waiting for photos; sleeping; thinking out a complex thing or two I want to express carefully and sensitively, just this once, just for kicks; etc.).
Here are some of the things I plan to address soon, in an order closely approximating this:
- Memery from two different sources
- Why I quit my job at Whole Foods
- Thoughts on the ADA anniversary and -- What the hell? You calling me "disabled"? Huh. Really hadn't thought of it -- me -- that way. Huh.
- Tomatoes, figs, and juicy, juicy joy, illustrated
- Right transfemoral amputee driving (a detailed illustrated whopper that's taking a long time for me to think through what with everything else I've been thinking through lately)
- A little about what it feels like to be a transfemoral amputee, sparked by a post of Bonnie's from long ago which includes pictures of her dance troupe trying themselves to feel a little of her experience
- Six or eight months of hitherto unaddressed search string questions, maybe all at once, maybe interspersed between other things as the mood strikes
- Status of...The Tricycle Project! Whee! (Well, not quite yet.)
- Leg "pimping" project (after I buy paint, hmm, maybe today -- the paint buying, I mean, not the project completion)
- That new Massachusetts insurance law that seemed to materialize out of thin air mere days after I posted about what fun it is to be a transfemoral amputee with little or no insurance coverage for prosthetics, and how so very many of us not in the U. S. military are in exactly that boat (Coincidence? I think not!)
I am also eager to get on this bandwagon, 'cause I think it's stunning. (Thanks, Melissa, for pointing it out and participating yourself so beautifully last week. And, yes, I still have stuff I plan to put in your Penelope Room, honest; I haven't forgotten. Your continuing patience is appreciated.)
First I have to go to Waltham to get my kitty's medicine. Then I have to refill Brilliant Engineer Boyfriend (aka "BEB" or "my true love")'s mineral water cache. (Mineral water and Jarrow-Dophilus are important BEB maintenance elements. Fascinating, no? Hey, what do you mean, "NO!"? Pooh.)
If you are waiting for photos from last Friday -- and you know who you are -- hang tight; it'll just be a few more hours.
Stay tuned. More fun ahead.
No worries, love. I've let the poor Penelope Room go a bit. Classes started and this frazzled instructor is sleepy. And? Awww, you are too sweet!
So much to get excited for with these coming attractions. I can't wait!
Posted by: melissa b. | September 10, 2006 at 11:37 AM
Don't touch that dial! All this and more, coming soon to a monitor near you!
heh heh
Wait 'til you see what I had to do to get an adductor cramp yesterday!
Oh, and I also have more cat pictures.
Posted by: Sara | September 10, 2006 at 09:19 PM