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  • a happy, ordinary, middle-aged, suburban woman who paints odd pictures, gardens in a straw hat, lives with the love of her life, is owned by one cat and the ghosts of several others, and walks a little funny 'cause she has a fake leg. She started this website because there's more to life than what we lose, and we need to let each other know what's possible, even if it's only a happy, ordinary life.

November 2011

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  • E-mail me at:

    sara at saraarts dot com

    Make sure the subject line of your correspondence is clear and specific. I do not open e-mails from strangers unless I can tell in advance that I want to read them.

Shameless Self- Promotion

  • I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Good reads, grownups only

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Pastormac's Ann

This is an amazing post. I'm glad you took the time to write it. I hope you piece that garden together someday. I would love to see it.

Happy LT.


Came here through Love Thursday and now I'm getting acquainted with your site. My mom recently sent me some crochet needles and a how to book (my grandmother taught me when I was young, but I don't remember a thing). Needlepoint, though, I'm all over. Anyway, I had been toying with the granny squares idea, and now I believe you've just convinced me to plow ahead. Thanks :)

Ron Sullivan

I looked at that great pile of squares the other night and it made me so dizzy I just had to go play computer solitaire for a while. It's still daunting. I think my geometry gland has withered a bit over the years.

Yesyes about that threaded lives thing, though. Anyone who thinks that being fond of objects is somehow shallow just isn't paying attention.


Oh, is that what you've been up to? Sounds definitely worthy of blog neglect, especially the novel writing. The crocheting might leave mental space for thinking up blog posts (like this one) or ideas for the novel? Or maybe these squares are too small - row after row of blanket crotcheting definitely leads to mind wandering. Not that I have time anymore, sigh. Leave the mind wandering for the commute.


Thank you for your support, ladies! Yes, it is really a lot of squares. A lot of squares. And unlike the crocheting part, putting them together is not something I can take with me and do wherever I am, because of course there is a Plan, and though, like any garden's, it is a loose plan bound to be foiled by reality, I still feel the need to have every piece available at all times in order to maximize any possibility of smoothly fulfilling the Plan. I don't really fancy the idea of carrying three bags of woolly bits around with me at all times just so I'm never without the right bit at the right time. So I can only work on this in my studio.

Fortunately, there's an awful lot of good radio on the internet.

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A Good Idea This Year, Too


I Don't Know What Came Over Me

Then There Was The Time I Lost My Mind for a Month

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