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  • a happy, ordinary, middle-aged, suburban woman who paints odd pictures, gardens in a straw hat, lives with the love of her life, is owned by one cat and the ghosts of several others, and walks a little funny 'cause she has a fake leg. She started this website because there's more to life than what we lose, and we need to let each other know what's possible, even if it's only a happy, ordinary life.

November 2011

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Shameless Self- Promotion

  • I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Good reads, grownups only

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Ah, the common cold. My housemate is down with it. I'm hoping my recent-enough cold (which lasted 2 weeks plus aftereffects) will have juiced up my immune system enough to resist another. Take care, rest well (looks like a good weekend for sleeping), enjoy the reruns.

kathy a.

hope you are feeling better. that danged cold wiped me out this past week, and i wasn't even biking around near huge snowdrifts or anything.


We just had our first real spring week end! But there is still so much snow. And nary a flower in sight...I am jealous.
Take it easy, watch some good dvds and drink lots of fluids.
Oh! And my earrings and bracelet arrived on Friday. I am thrilled!!!


Thank you, ladies! I am all better now, but now my true love has it. (sigh)

Leslee -- I hope you don't catch it. It's not as fun as it looks. ;) Also, yes, it was a grand weekend for napping.

Kathy A -- The thing that happens here usually is that we have a day or two of 50+°F weather, get cocky, go without coats, and then the temperature drops back down to 30+°-40+°, but we are still coatless. And the germs, they love this. I just sort of did it for myself getting all hot on my trike without a coat in the still-cold weather, then going into the overheated grocery store, then coming out sweaty back into the still-cold weather, then triking hard and breathing deeply of the cold air all the way home without a coat. So dumb. Especially since I do something like this to myself every year. (sign again)

Laurie -- I am so pleased they arrived, and I am thrilled that you are thrilled! As for spring, well, it could still snow anytime between now and mid- to late May. This is Massachusetts, after all. It's not that we have bad weather or long winters. No. I mean, we often do have both, but the thing is that the climate here is just downright mean, tricky and punishing. Nobody knows what the weather here will ever be like until the day it happens, and if they say they do they're either delusional or lying.

Yes, it often feels personal. Oh, okay; maybe it only feels that way to me. ;)

Ron Sullivan

I have that tendency to underdress for the temp unless I'm feeling crappy and/or my joints hurt. I guess. I feel warm enough myself at the time. But see, we don't get that kind of dry cold weather; usually if it's cold here it's also foggy and mean and I just want to set things on fire and huddle next to them.

Today might be an exception; it's mostly sunny with a stiff breeze from approximately the north. I just ran some (mostly car-distance stuff) errands and didn't bother with a jacket and it felt good.

I hope I've already had my visitation from the Virus Fairy this spring. I mean I hope that's all I get. Maybe I'll just hold my breath.

Just so you keep the birdseed warm.


Yes, because you know they won't eat it if it gets too cold... ;)

The Virus Fairy!!! I love this. And, oh, the image that popped into my head. Something androgynous with lots of purple and black raggedy filmy fabric and dark sparkles.

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A Good Idea This Year, Too


I Don't Know What Came Over Me

Then There Was The Time I Lost My Mind for a Month

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