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  • a happy, ordinary, middle-aged, suburban woman who paints odd pictures, gardens in a straw hat, lives with the love of her life, is owned by one cat and the ghosts of several others, and walks a little funny 'cause she has a fake leg. She started this website because there's more to life than what we lose, and we need to let each other know what's possible, even if it's only a happy, ordinary life.

November 2011

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    sara at saraarts dot com

    Make sure the subject line of your correspondence is clear and specific. I do not open e-mails from strangers unless I can tell in advance that I want to read them.

Shameless Self- Promotion

  • I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Good reads, grownups only

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Ron Sullivan

I'm holding my breath!

Or somebody's.

kathy a.

excellent techniques! our kittens have just figured out how to paw open the door to my closet, which they regard as the promised land, apparently.

The Goldfish

I've been doing some extreme napping this week; falling asleep is precarious positions and once with a pair of scissors in my hand. But I realise that sort of behaviour invites controversy to the art, so I do try not to.


I want to attend the seminars, sign me up, do I have to bring my own socks to sleep on?


and what's so special about May 1? the link takes you to a "blog not found" page....;-)
Everything I know about sleeping I learned from my animals.


Ah, thanks, Laurie; that link has been repaired. Sorry. I guess we are really more than just a little tired here right now, with more fun and games to come in the immediate future. (sigh) But I will be posting on Blogging Against Disablism Day again this year.


Heh. Well, everyone has a talent, it seems. :-)


Yes, I wish I could learn napping from my cat. Never been able to do it but I think it's a great skill to learn.


Kathy A.: Yeah. Or Narnia.

Goldfish: Oh, I don't know. I think every art can stand to have its boundaries pushed and controversies raised, don't you? I mean, if not, then is it really art?

Elizabeth: Sadly, the instructor is too busy practicing his art (in between bouts of eating, playing, and -- alas -- spraying all over the house) to draft a coherent syllabus, let alone a sign-up sheet or list of required materials. I am working on setting up a more detailed program here for distance learners, however. Stay tuned. ;)

Laurie: Animals know everything about relaxation. Everything.

Leslee: Yes. I think most house pets are extremely talented at being cute, in several media: napping, playing, eating, rolling around on the floor like Ingrid...

Dee: I have found it to be contagious. If I sit or lie down somewhere and a cat comes and sleeps on me or next to me but touching me, I find myself easily passing into slumber as well. Might be the purring. Might just be the awesome power of contact coziness.

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A Good Idea This Year, Too


I Don't Know What Came Over Me

Then There Was The Time I Lost My Mind for a Month

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