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  • a happy, ordinary, middle-aged, suburban woman who paints odd pictures, gardens in a straw hat, lives with the love of her life, is owned by one cat and the ghosts of several others, and walks a little funny 'cause she has a fake leg. She started this website because there's more to life than what we lose, and we need to let each other know what's possible, even if it's only a happy, ordinary life.

November 2011

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    sara at saraarts dot com

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Shameless Self- Promotion

  • I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Good reads, grownups only

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Kay Olson

Beautiful indeed.

Here? We got 6 inches of snow yesterday. It's almost all melted, and I console myself that Deadwood, SD, got 45 inches, but still. Your view looks better than mine today, for sure.


Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was very grey here yesterday, and it may even have rained, but I don't know because I was too tired and too ill to do much more than look out the window. The thing about grey days, though, is how they make particular colors jump right out at you. This is a pretty tree on a sunny day, but on a cloudy one, it is treasure. And today I did manage to go out with my true love, and while looking out the window yesterday at this tree was beautiful, standing under it in the gold autumn leaf light within the pewter light of a cloudy New England afternoon was a whole other dimension of beautiful.

I took pictures, but they won't show what I'm talking about. But you've been outside on days like this with trees like this -- maybe not in November in Minnesota, but somewhere sometime -- and I know you know what I mean. :)

I love snow, too, but am hoping ours won't start until after I have been fit with a new leg socket. Fingers crossed.

Kay Olson

But you've been outside on days like this with trees like this -- maybe not in November in Minnesota, but somewhere sometime -- and I know you know what I mean. :)

Yes. Just three weeks ago, the day after our birthday, my sister and I went back to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum for lunch. It proved to be the perfect fall day to see the amazing colors there. I resisted taking my camera because, as you say, it cannot show just how lovely it all is. Also, it can detract of being there in the moment, sometimes.

Ooh, a bonus to the snow: It is now winter bird-feeding season with the birdbath, suet, and bird feeder up close to the windows again. The cat is enthralled.


Hee. :)

I never do suet, just seed. I keep meaning to change that, but always forget. Perhaps this is the year.

(I'm sure the birds are all a-twitter at the prospect.)

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A Good Idea This Year, Too


I Don't Know What Came Over Me

Then There Was The Time I Lost My Mind for a Month

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