I Don't Know What Came Over Me

Then There Was The Time I Lost My Mind for a Month

What is it?

  • This site the fault of Leslee and Patry, via Qarrtsiluni.

    Here's the premise:

    Every day, Dictionary.com publishes a Word of the Day. I will display it here. If I like the word, I will try to come up with a poem using it by the end of the day. If you like the word, go ahead and write your own poem and post it in the comments, also by the end of the day, if you can.

    While you are here, please play nicely with others. Spam will be summarily deleted, as will anything obviously abusive or malicious in my opinion. Also, please note that everything written here remains the intellectual property of whoever wrote it. Therefore, you are not allowed to copy or republish anything here unless whoever wrote the bit you want to use tells you in writing that it's okay.

    Problems? Comments? Write to me, Sara, at SaraArts dot com.

    Have fun with this!

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A reading

Most propitious, she would announce,
Reading the bitter tea leaves
Nestled in the bottom of my pot.

She read books of poems,
The drawings of her father's friend,
The daily newsprint smudges.

She read the horse's whinnies,
The dog's breathing,
The egg as it rested on the straw.

She read the mud on the hill,
The wind as it ran through the treetops,
The slant of coming rain.

She read the burr in her lover's voice,
The timing of his arrival,
The trajectories of his hands.

She did not read the message her ovaries
Wrote to her uterus,
Telegraphing their urgencies,

Tapping out surgical scissors,
A reverberation through the inner
Libraries of her body.

The haze of anesthesia,
The sudden flash of silver,
The tug of thread went unread.

Now, she looks at the rivulet
Of scar left behind, ebbing from red to white
And smiles. Propitious, she announces.


Awesome. Really strong. Thank you.


Sara, I always look forward to what you write because you have such interesting stories to tell. They are so different from the stories that go on in my own head! Thanks!

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